Violence on Afghans women no bounds,restrictions imposed,unable to enjoy basic rights,know more in this report.

(The Quiver) Taliban swept majority of Afghanistan in August, 2021.After capturing Afghanistan’s capital on August 15,without much effort due to early surrender of Afghan army. The supporting US military army hired was also withdrawn by Biden. Afghanistan president Ashraf Ghani fled away. This abandonment claimed easy conquer of Taliban over Afghanistan.

Taliban again rose to power after 20 years. Taliban governance over the country worsened the living of its civilians. Many of the civilians were killed randomly by inhuman Talibanis just for the sake of fun. People desperately were struggling to fly away from the country. In such attempt even 2 people lost their lives falling from aircraft.

Deaths and devastations all over the Country made living worse than death. Many were starving of hunger and dying. Now, the present scenario is not much improved. Especially the Afghan women are tortured and forced to surrender before the unjust done to them, if not then to stay prepared to receive a nerve collapsing death. The desperate scenes underlining the gravity of the situation, is drawing the lawful basic human rights of women to stake.

Many such declarations and deeds of Taliban government is making it visually clear to the whole world. Taliban spokespeople had issued a number of statements on returning to power after conquering Afghanistan such as pledging an amnesty for those who worked for the Government. They had also pledged to be inclusive. They promised that woman can work and girls can go to school. These declarations have been greeted with some skepticism. Nevertheless, the promises and assurance by them went off like smoke. Whether they are honored or broken can be clearly marked from the present scenario of Afghanistan.

Restrictions imposed by Taliban on rights of women and girls.

  • Women are forced to wear the burkha, every time when they are out of their houses.
  • In several provinces, local Taliban authorities have been persuaded to reopen schools — but many girls still remain cut off from secondary education.
  • The ministry’s directive asked people to stop playing music in their vehicles. The ministry has also called on women TV journalists to wear hijabs while presenting.
  • Taliban ministry has banned Afghan women right of employment is making social media networks headlines.
  • “Women travelling for more than 45 miles (72 kilometers) should not be offered a ride if they are not accompanied by a close family member,” ministry spokesman Sadeq Akif Muhajir told AFP on Sunday, specifying that it must be a close male relative.

Activists hope that the Taliban’s battle to gain international recognition and get aid flowing back into one of the poorest countries in the world will lead to them making concessions to women.

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