(The Quiver) : Today, Prime minister Narendra Modi  launched his missile of words on Congress party in the Rajya Sabha. PM Modi stroke on the opposition congress by saying that parties like Congress are following dynastic politics which has hurt the country, and replying to Rahul Gandhi’s ‘Union of states’ remark, suggested that Indian National Congress should be renamed “Federation of Congress”.

PM Modi punching hard  in amid uproar from congress memebers, “Some members asked ‘if there was no Congress, what would happen?’ I would like to say, if there was no Congress there would be no Emergency, there would be no caste politics, Sikhs would never have been massacred, the problems of Kashmiri Pandits would not have happened.”  

“India is the mother of democracy. Democracy, debate has been going on in India for centuries. Congress’ problem is that they never thought of anything apart from dynasty,” he said, continuing his tirade. Explaining his statement he said, India’s democracy faces the biggest threat of family-based parties, and the biggest loss any party faces due to this is that good talent goes away.

He again took a dig saying that Congress gives big lectures about federalism but was incapable to act over it when the party was in power.  He then claimed in those decades Chief Ministers  were removed over “Petty issues” like chief minister of Andhra Pradesh was sacked because the son of then prime minister did not like the arrangement at the airport , Karnataka’s popular chief minister Veerendra Patil was unceremoniously removed from the post when he was not in good health, adding to it ,he said BJP doesn’t work with such narrow mindset.

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