Is It Really Essential To Celebrate Women’s Day In India?

(The Quiver) : Today, the world is celebrating International Women’s day . This particular  day is dedicated to women . But we want ask some questions to all our readers , Is this One day celebration essential in a country like India, where a woman is given utmost dignity of  a Goddess? Is this one day sufficient to celebrate her sacrifices and deeds? What is the need to follow this western culture?

In India it is believed that a woman holds an ability of creating as well as destroying . In this digital era, women are no less than man. They have shown their excellency in each and every field of profession . If we will sit to list down the no. of successful women, the day will  go and the moon will arrive. The modern women  shines in versatility management be it home or workplace.

Through her actions , she reflects a woman softness should not be misunderstood as her weakness. Today’s women are not only strong emotionally but also mentally and physically.

Our society needs to change its  stereotype mind setup outlook towards women. Women’s day can be celebrated in right terms if women are given their deserving respect and dignity. If supports are extended encouraging for fulfillments of their aims . If their dreams are not down trodden by their family members. If they are not subjected to discriminations . Many of the Indian women can be successful like the first woman PM Indira Gandhi of India, First only lady CM of Odisha and Iron lady of India- Nandini Satpathy , Kargil girl Gunjan Saxena , global icon Priyanka Chopra , the first woman combat pilot Avani Chaturvedi , first Indian silver olympician PV Sindhu, first woman Boxer Marry Kom and many more following the list.

The Quiver Clearly Quotes

“Every Single Day Belongs To A Woman , Without Her There Would Be No Day”.

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