(The Quiver) : Space X chief Elon Musk challenged Russian President ,Vladimir Putin for a fight . The billionaire techno king said that he wants to battle it out with the Russian President as Moscow continues to invade Ukraine for the third week now. Musk in a tweet said, “I hereby challenge Vladimir Putin to single combat.”

However , the challenge is well accepted by Russia’s space program director Dmitry Rogozin on behalf of Putin , who responded to the challenge by saying , “You, little devil, are still young, compete with me weak.”

Quoting the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, Rogozin said, “You, little devil, are still young, Compete with me weak. It would only be a waste of time. Overtake my brother first.”

Musk responding to his words , shared a  meme of him with a flame thrower against a picture showing Russian President Vladimir Putin riding a bear. Musk said, “I see you are a tough negotiator! Ok, you can have 10% more pay per view money. He can even bring his bear.”

Musk has been in the spotlight after his company provided internet coverage using its constellation of Starlink satellites as Russian fighters and missiles bombarded Ukrainian cities. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy spoke to Musk and announced the country would receive more of its Starlink satellite internet terminals.

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