BY Minu Nayak

(The quiver) : Let’s go to the photos app on our phone and look at the total number of videos and images on our device- all those precious memories of family vacation, clips from our favorite concert, and the countless snapshots. Next peep into your laptop’s desktop and check out how many documents you have saved to defend your thesis or important slideshow you will be presenting infront of your boss on Monday. Now imagine if all these data  suddenly vanishes. What will you do?

You might be thinking that  this will never happen to me. We also wish for the same but in case it happens unfortunately , then how can our readers deal with such loss? no worries we are here to guide our readers.

That’s why we need a backup. A backup is a separate copy of our important and sentimental digital files and information. Storing all the data in one place like a personal computer or smart phone, can prove unsafe. So creating another copy of the data through a backup will ensure that it’s stored and kept safe somewhere else  in case our device get wiped or stolen.

Story of the World backup day

A year before the release of “Toy Story 2,” somebody enters a command on the drives where Pixar stores the film’s files, deleting 90% of the film. After discussing backups on Reddit, student Ismail Jadun jokingly creates World Backup Day, eventually legitimizing it.

A daily backup keeps a backup for just those files that have been modified the same day when the backup is done.

More than 60 million computers failed worldwide this year, and over 200,000 smart phones are lost or stolen every year. That’s why we’re celebrating World Backup Day on 31st march , to communicate with people on how can they properly back up their files and find peace of mind knowing that their data is safe and sound.

Keeping our backup in the cloud is a good and future-proof alternative to physical data storage, instead of an external hard drive or USB stick. An external hard drive or USB stick can be lost or damaged.

How we can preserve our files?

There are more services like this though, google best smart phone backup and you’ll see many top lists from different blogs and experts!

Online backup services

Cloud backup

Cloud storage



    Apple icloud

    One drive

    Google cloud

We hope our readers share this important piece with their friends and family about World Backup Day , as we know real friends don’t let friends go without a backup.

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