By Minu Nayak

(The Quiver) : As per the statistical data, about 1 in 500 or more than 2,160,000 people  suffer from autism in India . According to a study, an estimated three million people live with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) on the Indian subcontinent. The Rehabilitation Council of India mentioned that , there are about 21.6 lakhs people are suffering from Autism.

World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) grabs attention towards the obstacles that people with autism face every day. As a major global health issue, autism needs to gain more understanding. Each year, World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated on April 2 globally to spread awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a neuro developmental disorder that distorts the communication and social interaction skills of a person.

Autism is a serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact. Autism spectrum disorder impacts the nervous system and affects the overall cognitive, emotional, social and physical health of the affected individual.


The range and severity of symptoms can vary widely. Common symptoms includes

Difficulty with communication: Unlike other kids, they will have difficulty in understanding and communicating with others.

 Difficulty with social interactions: Not able to interact among kids and family. Not able to make eye contact as well.

 Obsessive interests and repetitive behaviours : Showing gestures using hands and not able to sit idle. While playing with toys, not able to learn and play, particularly continuing with a specific action.

According to experts, “Normally, at the age 1, kids should start talking, at two, they should be able to speak up to two joint words and at 3, they should be able to speak three-word sentences. If a child does not show such normal behaviour then he/she should be taken seriously by the parents and should consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of Autism

Diagnosis of autism is possible at around 18 months. The issues with communication–both verbal and non-verbal– and eye contact are some of the major warning signs that should be marked.

Experts says ,If the child is not talking at age 1, first make sure that the child does not have any hearing problems and then rule out autism.If proper treatments are done before the age of three, there are better chances of recovery, even within six to nine months. On the other hand, if the condition were detected at the age of 10, it may take over a year to recover. “It is very important that the early signs are identified and proper treatment is sought. As age increases, treatment becomes difficult.


Since this not a disease , there are no medicines for it  except some therapies which  may help to reduce symptoms and support development and learning. Some of these therapies are mentioned below –

Behavioral management therapy, Cognitive behavior therapy, Early intervention, Educational and school-based therapies, Joint attention therapy, Medication treatment, Nutritional therapy, Occupational therapy, Parent-mediated therapy, Physical therapy, Social skills training, Speech-language therapy.

Early Warning by Doctors

Frequent exposure to TV and Mobile Phones can make your child Autistic

“Another concern these days is excessive mobile use. Children aged below 2 should not be allowed to watch TV or use mobile phones. From 2-5 years one hour can be allowed,” said paediatrician Abraham K Paul. 

“In the case of a child pre-disposed towards autism, excess mobile use will lead to further autism-related problems,” he said.  “Autism is a complex condition that involves communication and behavioral challenges. Even now, we get children at late stages. JACDC coordinates and conducts therapy sessions for around 280 children from across 26 countries,” said Jency.  

So parents should keep their kids away from this techno-demons. First of all parents should reduce their own TV and mobile addictions for the safety of their kids as maximum times kids spent with their parents. Instead they should make their kids acquainted with grandparents and their stories to encourage their learning habit.

Foods to Avoid

Fried food, biscuits, milk and other dairy products and sweets will increase the hyperactivity.Therefore, such foods are better avoided.

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