Satyendra Nath Bose known as the father of the God Particle (Higgs Boson) ,when Satyendra Nath Bose sent his quantum formulations paper to Albert Einstein, know how he reacted…

Bhubaneswar (The Quiver) : On Saturday, Google paying tribute to Indian physicist and mathematician Satyendra Nath bose  by creative doodle for his immense contribution to quantum mechanics. On this day in 1924, Bose had sent his quantum formulations to Albert Einstein on the way particles were counted after his paper was rejected by a prominent science journal called The Philosophical Magazine and Albert Einstein immediately recognized it as a significant discovery in quantum mechanics.

Early Life Of Satyendra Nath Bose

 Satyendra Nath Bose was born on January 1, 1894 in Kolkata. He is best known for his work on quantum mechanics in the early 1920s.  

when he was a kid, Bose used to solve an arithmetic problem given by his accountant father everyday . This fueled Bose’s interest in mathematics and at an age of 15, he began pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree at Calcutta’s Presidency College. 

Soon after, he went on to earn a Master’s in Applied Mathematics at the University of Calcutta. Bose solidified his esteemed position in academia by graduating top of his class for both degrees and began giving lectures on physics by the end of 1917.

It is mentioned by google,While teaching postgraduate students Planck’s radiation formula, he questioned the way particles were counted and began experimenting with his own theories. He documented his findings in a report called Planck’s Law and the Hypothesis of Light Quanta, and sent it to a prominent science journal called The Philosophical Magazine .His findings were rejected by the journal then he sent them to Albert Einstein who recognized it as a significant discovery in quantum mechanics and he applied quantum formulations  to a range of phenomena.

Bose ‘s theoretical paper became one of the most important findings in quantum theory. The Indian  government recognized Bose’s tremendous contribution to Physics by awarding him one of the highest Civilian awrd in the country, the Padma vibhushan. He was also appointed as national Professor, the highest honor in India for Scholars.

Bose’s work led to many scientific breakthroughs, including the discovery of the particle accelerator and the God particle, Google said in a note accompanying the doodle. In his honour, any particle that conforms with his statistics is now known as boson.

Bose led institutions like the National Institute of Science, Indian Science Congress, Indian Physical Society and the Indian Statistical Institute.

India and the world will always be thankful to Bose for changing Physics forever.The great Scientist and Mathematician breathe his last in 1974.

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