“China’s national flag rises over Galwan Valley on the New Year Day of 2022”,China won over Galwan valley?, truth of viral video on social media. know more about this in this report….

(The Quiver) Galwan valley very popularly known as the clash site of disputes between India and China.  Ladakh’s Galwan Valley witnessed a violent clash between the Armies of India and China. The clash, in which 20 Indian soldiers were killed, was one of the worst in 45 years, and led to a military standoff with China and at least 11 rounds of military talks for the disengagement process on June 15,2020.

 Recently a video released by an official Chinese media handle on twitter, shows a Chinese flag being unfurled in Galwan valley is going viral on social media platforms.

The video and the tweet says, “China’s national flag rise over Galwan Valley on the New Year Day of 2022.”

The tweet claims that this flag is special since it once flew over Tiananmen Square in Beijing

 Indian army sources speaking on the reality of this video confirms, “a video from an official Chinese media handle on twitter, which shows a Chinese flag being unfurled in Galwan valley, does not violate the demilitarised zone between the two countries in the area.”

In other words, the flag is being flown in undisputed Chinese-held areas, and not near the bend of the river where Indian and Chinese soldiers had clashed in June 2020.

In July last year, India and China mutually agreed to withdraw 2 km from the clash site. This followed talks between India’s National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

Subsequent satellite images from July last year confirmed the disengagement of Indian and Chinese soldiers from the Galwan clash site by 2 km on either side. This took place after special representative-level talks between Mr Doval and Yi.

The new video shown, sources say, is not within the area where this disengagement took place. Twenty Indian soldiers were killed in action in the Galwan clash. They were honoured for their bravery with their names installed in memorials. China claimed it lost four soldiers; however, the Indian Army maintains China suffered more casualties.

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