Eating chana saag (gram greens) in winters, besides being delicious, can very special gift for health.

(The Quiver) With the changing season, it is very important to take care of ownself. At the same time, in this epidemic of corona, taking care of health becomes even more important. The winter season is going on. This season attracts common disease like cold and fever. Winter season brings many types of greens leafy vegetables which are easily available in the market. Apart from being delicious, it is very good for health. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about the “chana saag” available in winter. A complete box of Carbohydrate, protein, fiber, calcium, iron and vitamins are found in abundance in gram greens. 

Chana saag is very familiar for Odias. It is popularly known as “the food of poor” in Odisha. As the poor sections mostly consume it unable to afford the high rate foods. Generally, the poor farmers of Odisha are unable to afford the high rate dals. So, to fill up their nutrition requirement the love eating chana (green gram) dal, chana saag (green gram spinach), kolatha (horse gram) dal during winters and rainy season.  But now the times have changed it is consumed by the people of all sections of society due to its health benefits.

Have a look on the vitamins and nutrition content of Chana saag.

Let us know about, the healthy benefits of Chana saag.

 Including chana saag in food diet can remove the problem of Constipation

Chickpea greens spinach are rich in protein. They also increase blood circulation in body.

Chana saag helps to put off extra weight

 The amount of calories in it is very less. In such a situation, if you are thinking of losing weight, then gram greens can prove to be very beneficial for you.

Boosts immunity, helpful in fighting diseases

Green gram spinach (chana saag) enhances immunity in the body. By consuming it, you do not have the risk of cold, fever, infection etc. Also, the amount of iron content in it is very high.

Rich in Protein

 Chana saag is rich in protein. It is a very good source of protein. In such a situation, whenever there is a shortage of protein in the body, then definitely eat it.

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