(The Quiver) : The inauguration day January 20,2021 witnessed the beginning of 46th US president, Joe Biden era. Biden sworn in as president marking his victory over Donald Trump. The three words from his addressal speech made a remarkable impression on US countrymen, those words were, “democracy has prevailed,” it was three short sentences that set out his presidential mission statement: “Bringing America together. Uniting our people. And uniting our nation.”

But those historical words seemed to be effectless in action during the course of his one-year rule over US. Biden words proved to be completely ironical to the incidents that occurred during his tenure last year, His efficiency is questioned as US stands divide at point of peace and Unity.

Biden performance

If we go over Biden’s performance in comparison with other former US presidents, the results are quite disappointing, Mr Biden’s former boss, Barack Obama, began at a high of nearly 70% when he took office and ended close to 50% a year later. George W Bush began his first term in a similar position to Mr Biden, with approval around 60%, but that rose to nearly 90% after 9/11.

Past 12 months are ironical to his words

Over the past 12 months, tensions arise over longstanding points of divergence, such as abortion rights. The country has found new things to argue about, such as vaccine mandates. It has also discovered new ways of fighting old battles. The conflict over critical race theory, the latest front in the country’s left-right culture wars, is a novel way of carrying on the centuries-old debate over the legacy of slavery and segregation.

During the past year, worst moments potentially led a dividing bridge of conflicts in US, namely the conviction of Derek Chauvin, the former police officer who murdered George Floyd, have been supplanted by events that ended up hardening divisions. The trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager acquitted of murder after shooting dead two men during racial unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, was an obvious case in point.

Biden withdrew US troops from Afghanistan

His star began to fall worldwide at the time when he withdrew US troops from Afghanistan and as the Delta variant advanced. This action of Biden exposed him to severe criticism.

Rising unemployment under Biden

For many Americans, the number one issue facing the country is the economy. When Mr Biden took office, the pandemic had slowed job growth and the US had faced unemployment woes due to lockdown.

Millions of Americans have quit their jobs, some American industries now face a labour shortage, contributing to global supply-chain problems and fuelling rocketing inflation.

All these major flaws dragged his numbers into danger zone , as his first-term presidentship is going to over .The hopes of his winning in re-election stands at red zone.

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