(The Quiver)The Mumbai Police on Thursday arrested one more accused involved in the ‘Bulli Bai’ app case from Odisha. The accused is taken to Mumbai after completing the legal process. Meanwhile, a team of the cyber cell has gone to Delhi to take custody of the accused mastermind Niraj Bishnoi. Delhi special cell had arrested Neeraj Bishnoi, who is said to be the mastermind of the Bulli Bai app.

The 28 year old accused, named Neeraj Singh, is the fifth person linked in connection with the case. Earlier, Vishal Jha, Shweta Singh, Mayank Rawal, and Niraj Bishnoi were arrested for their roles in the GitHub app that used images of Muslim women to ‘auction’ them online.

A Delhi court on Friday refused to grant bail to the engineering student and ‘Bulli Bai’ app creator Neeraj Bishnoi. Noting that the accused ran a vilification campaign against the dignity of the women of a particular community containing derogatory material through the app affecting communal harmony of the society, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate of Patiala House Courts, Pankaj Sharma, denied the bail application.

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