(The Quiver) : Adwaita Gadayanak, the sculptor from Odisha is hired to complete the statue of Netaji to be placed near India Gate. Recently Gadayanak has revealed that the statue will be jet black like that of Lord Jagannath’s in Odisha. Gadanayak also informed that the installation will be ready by August 15 and will be unveiled on Independence Day.

“The statue will be carved from a 28-foot-long and 8×8 feet granite slab. I want the granite to be jet black. I have shortlisted granites from three places — Mysuru, Bengaluru, and Telangana. I will soon visit the places myself to select the correct slab,” Gadanayak said.

Feeling fortunate enough to be selected for the task, he said, “I am from Odisha and I am lucky to be carving the statue of such a great personality, who is also from the same state.” He said that he received the work order for the statue four days ago. “It is surreal how the connection happened. I had been planning on a Netaji statue since last year when we visited Kolkata with the Prime Minister. And four days ago the PM said that he wanted the statue in granite,” Gadanayak explained .

Speaking about his choice of colour, Gadanayak said: “The Lord Jagannath statue in Odisha is also black. We believe an entity of such power can be carved only in black.”Before finalising the statue, his team will have a rehearsal with a dummy. Gadanayak said that 20-30 sculptors will work on this project. And the details would be worked out by hand. “From his cap to his gumboots — everything will be carved by hand”.

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