(The Quiver) : What are the elements of a healthy living ? without any doubt the core element of a healthy living lies in good food that we consume on daily basis. Many of us switch over to different food diets in order to achieve a good health . Besides these, many people adopt consuming different types of foods to maintain a good physique. Some foodies try different varieties of foods to satisfy their taste buds.

How will it be? ,if you wake up to a new “superfood” that will change your life , and make you healthy instantly . Then immediately , at the moment boycott those foods from your diet that are damaging your health ,we know this might be difficult for our readers but don’t compromise while its comes to your .

To inform our readers, our body uses inflammation to fight against illness and heal injuries, but chronic, long-term inflammation can be dangerous.

 The risk of chronic inflammation highly depends on the kind of  diet you adopt in daily basis , like   — sugar, processed meat, and fried foods can all cause inflammation in your body. Limiting these foods can help reduce inflammation and cut your risk of chronic diseases.

These inflammatory foods are responsible for damaging DNA, increasing insulin resistance in body , they also promotes the growth of plaques in arteries and triggers blood clots which cause heart disease thus increasing the risk of diseases in body.

Here are some of the foods that may be tasty but cause DNA-damaging inflammation in your body and several other diseases in our body.

1. Sugary Foods

Many people have sweet tooth , the never ending love for sugary food can be very dangerous for our health. Sugary foods causes our body to produce more of the hormone insulin, which in turn, can boost body fat. It is problematic because “fat cells can produce chemicals in the body that lead to inflammation”, said  Diane Javelli , a clinical dietitian at University of Washington Medical Center and owner of Belly by Javelli .             

Limiting the amount of high-sugar content foods like cakes, cookies, candy, and soda can help us to maintain a healthy body-fat percentage and reduce the risk of inflammation.

2.Red Meat and Processed Meats

Processed meats are the meats that have been preserved by smoking or salting, curing or adding chemical preservatives. Some of the processed meats are -Bacon ,Deli meats ,Hot dogs ,Beef jerky, Chicken nuggets.

Both processed and red meats tend to be high in saturated fat.  From studies it is found  that eating fatty processed and red meats may cause weight gain and inflammation.

3. Some cooking oils

Many common cooking oils contain a type of fat called omega-6 fatty acids . Our body uses Omega-6 fats  for maintaining the reproductive system, stimulating skin and hair growth, regulating metabolism but excess Omega-6 fat content in body can trigger inflammation.

Some common cooking oils which contain omega-6 fats are Corn oil ,Canola oil ,Sunflower oil, Safflower oil ,Peanut oil and refined oil. These oils should be consumed in limited quantity.

4. Fried Foods

Fried foods like chicken nuggets, doughnuts, and french fries are big inflammation culprits for several reasons, as –

  • Fried foods tend to have high levels of omega-6 fatty acids.
  • They often contain trans fats .
  • “Fried foods produce compounds in the body called advanced glycation end products, also known as AGEs. These compounds directly stimulate inflammation in the body.

Now Know About The Anti-inflammatory foods

The anti-inflammatory foods help to fight with chronic inflammation in our body. These foods are rich in key compounds like antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids that work to reduce your levels of inflammatory proteins.

Some key anti-inflammatory foods that should be added to our daily diet include:

  • Fatty fish.
  • Extra-virgin olive oil.
  • Fruits and veggies like oranges, broccoli, and peppers.
  • Nuts.
  • Berries.
  • Tomatoes.

In order to maintain a good health our readers must avoid must boycott the mentioned inflammatory foods from daily diet and should switch over to good food habits. But keep in mind that the overall content of your diet is more important and every meal that you take should be healthy .

 Fruits, green leafy vegetables, other vegetables and whole grains with moderate amounts of lean proteins and water are the constituents of healthy diet. Be sure to include all these in your daily diets.

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