Puri (The Quiver) : The protest rally to be held against  Shreemandir Heritage corridor project has not got approval from the Puri administration. The rally was to be headed by popular MP Aparajita sarangi , followed by her supporters . However the government of Odisha is destined to crack down the democratic rally to be held , a group of BJD(ruling government political party) supporters got prepared to hold a rally against the MP’s rally.

Instead of allowing Aparajita to conduct the non-violence rally , the administration asked the MP not to come to Puri. What problem could the Puri administration  have with such democratic rally? Why the administration did not allow the MP who wanted to led a democratic non violent rally? , forced the protest rally to stop.

But Aparajita is someone who never give up easily. She announces to go Puri, ” Even if no permission granted for rally , I will walk on Badadanda and will darshan Mahaprabhu to say everything.”

This incident is posing many questions in people minds , many say, Why the government fears Aparajita? Why was not she allowed to led the non violent rally? Why the government wants to stop the rally? Is there any mystery behind ? will some illegal activities of the government would be unscreened if the rally is allowed to march on Badadanda? why the administration asked the rally to delay for a day? Why immense pressure is posed on government level to suppress Aparajita ?

An undesirable situation may arise in the state tomorrow if Aparajita and her supporters unite for the rally. What will happen if the both the groups will clash tomorrow ? speculations are done that the clash may result in eruption of serious political violence situation. Everybody have their keen eyes on to watch what will happen tomorrow if both the groups clash?

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