Have you ever experienced White Room torture?

How hard can you torture someone? Or how hard punishment you are able to tolerate? our readers minds now must be flooding with many punishments relating to many harsh physical as well as  psychological torture that are given to the criminals. If we ask you to live in a completely white room filled with deafening silence with a condition of no physical punishments . Many of us will agree to receive it but its not as easy as it seems or sounds. Suprisingly its one of the life threatenting and worst punshiment that one could ever receive according to the persons who went through it. Lets know about the reasons of why are the prisoners are scared of it? And where such punishments are given? Down the line..


The prisoner inside the cell is exposed to completely white colour. The prisoner is made to wear white clothe .The sensation of  colour blind to all colours  except white is felt by the prisoner living in it. His cell completely has white walls, white floor and  white ceiling, white bed even the toilet is white .Neon tubes are positioned above the occupant in such a way that no shadows appear even the prisoner is not able to see his own shadow, the sun rays are blocked .The prisoner will not be able to figure out day and night, completely blocked from the  happenings of outer world

The cell is made completely soundproof. He is deprived of social interaction, only he is able to see and hear himself. The guards outside are present wearing padded shoes maintaining the mute environment as it is.

The foods provided to the prisoner is also white –unseasoned rice ,leaving him tasteless and smelless.


 This punishment is particularly used more in Iran ; however, the Venezuelan and the United States intelligence services also apply it. Fortunately this punishment is not given in India.

There is no specific time period of this punishment . The Detainees are may be held for months, or even years.


The effects of white torture are horrific ,significant cases even seen when the prisoners lost their personal identity, experienced numbness of senses, scared of white colour even lost their ability to recognize known people.  They even suffered from hallucinations, psychotic breaks. In worst cases even lost their life out of depression and by developing suicidal tendency due to isolation.


Mostly political prisoners who experience this type of torture are journalists held in the Evin prison of Iran. Amir Fakhravar, the Iranian white room prisoner, was tortured at Evin prison for 8 months in 2004. He still has horrors about his times in the white room.

In a telephone call to the Human Rights Watch in 2004, the Iranian journalist Ebrahim Nabavi made the following claim regarding white torture:

“Since I left Evin, I have not been able to sleep without sleeping pills. It is terrible. The loneliness never leaves you, long after you are ‘free.’ Every door that is closed on you…. This is why we call it ‘white torture.’ They get what they want without having to hit you. They know enough about you to control the information that you get: they can make you believe that the president has resigned, that they have your wife, that someone you trust has told them lies about you. You begin to break. And once you break, they have control. And then you begin to confess.”

Kianush Sanjari, an Iranian blogger and activist who had allegedly experienced this type of torture in 2006 claimed:

“I feel that solitary confinement—which wages war on the soul and mind of a person—can be the most inhuman form of white torture for people like me, who are arrested solely for (defending) citizens’ rights. I only hope the day comes when no one is put in solitary confinement [to punish them] for the peaceful expression of his ideas”.

Such  punishment as White room torture is a psychological misery which haunts the prisoner even after getting out of it. Besides it breaks  the person in his mental state, the suffering goes on endlesslesly .

Psychiatric sessions may help to some extent ,but complete mental recovery becomes very difficult. Unfortunately this lasts with the person whole life.

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