Omicron infection is spreading vigorously in country, resident doctors are on strike, action of police against,read more in detail about the incident .

(The Quiver) Introduction of covid19 virus in the world shown its devastating effects on humans. Loss of human life all over the world marked the deadliness of the pandemic. Everyday many people lost their lives getting infected of the disease. The quantity of deaths outnumbered the space of graveyards. There was no sufficient space to bury a large number of dead ones. During those sensitive times many people came forward to serve as the frontline workers. Among them the healthcare workers were one of the crucial frontline workers. They acted as protective shield between the covid-19 virus and the innocent people. While treating the covid-19 infective patients many doctors sacrificed their own lives. To meet up with the shortage of healthcare workers in emergency situation, many resident doctors came forward in treatment of patients.

 At the present time the infections of covid-19 new variant, Omicron is spreading like wildfire in the country. The third phase of covid-19 has already arrived according to experts. In such a condition, are on strike. Conflict between these healthcare workers and the government can be clearly visible from the incident of 27thDec,2021, when resident doctors were protesting peacefully for their own rights. The government instead of taking the situation into a careful consideration, ordered the Delhi police to forcefully suspend the strike.

This act of injustice against the peaceful protest and the detention of resident doctors of Delhi and other colleges of India by the Delhi Police on 27th Dec 21 is strongly condemned by UCMS Teachers’ Association of the University of Delhi. The association also demanded that the Indian government should be respectful towards the doctors and the resident doctors.

 We hope, the resident doctors should be taken seriously by the government as the resident doctors have been serving the COVID-19 patients during first and the second waves of the pandemic. They deserve to be respectfully treated and their issues should be immediately solved to avoid unfavourable situations in this covid-19 – Omicron era.

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